VSP-300 - The Ultimate Modular 6 Channels Potentiostat/Galvanostat/EIS

VSP-300 is a state-of-the-art research grade potentiostat/galvanostat/FRA with remarkable specifications. Designed upon Bio-Logic’s long history of flexible and modular potentiostat, the VSP-       300 incorporates the latest technology to ensure excellent performance. The VSP-300 multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat is a versatile instrument offering 6 slots to set from 1 to 6 channel  boards.

Battery,Fuel cell,Supercapacitor,Material,Corrosion,Fundamental electrochemistry,Sensors,Coatings,Electrolysis

Voltamperometric Techniques
-Open circuit Voltage(OCV), CV, CVA, CA, CP, LASV, ACV
Impedance Spectroscopy
-GEIS,PEIS,SGEIS,SPEIS(support Mott-Schottky)
Pulsed Techniques
Technique Builder
-Modular Potentio/Modular Galvano
-Loop,Trigger In/Trigger Out
-support kinds of techniques sequence measurement

General features
-Compliance: ±12 V up to ±49 V
-Control voltage: ±10 V up to ±48 V
-EIS measurement up to:  7 MHz
-Current ranges: 1 A to 10 nA (standard)
-Up to 20 A with boosters
-Down to 1 pA with    ultra low current (ULC) option
-Current resolution: 760 fA (standard)    Down to 76 aA with ULC
-Floating mode
-Analog filtering
-Calibration board
-Full stability control mode (9 bandwidths)

Unique Features
-The VSP-300 multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat is a versatile instrument offering 6 slots to set from  1 to 6 channel boards.
-Each channel board can accomodate an ultra low current cable and can be associated with one or several  booster kits.
-Two kinds of booster kits are available: ±4 A/ 14 V and  ±1 A/ 48 V. Up to five boosters of 4A can be plugged in  one VSP-300           chassis.
-They can be parallelized to reach up to 20 A.  Each channel board can be equipped with a linear scan generator.
-Not only a multichannel system, this instrument can  be controlled independently by several users thanks  to the LAN connection.

Copyright Dalian Huayang analytical instruments Co., Ltd.All right reserved. Preparation of Liao ICP
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